流利英语 Fluency English 启蒙视频全40集

流利英语 Fluency English 启蒙视频全40集

外国小朋友真人教英语 流利英语表达

1. 介绍:Fluency English是外国真人小朋友生活实景英语教学,视频的主角是一个外国小姐姐和她的弟弟,视频内容包括了常见生活英语单词,游戏单词和各种表达句型,同时也有26个字母开头的常见物品单词。



2. 适合3-5岁的儿童英语启蒙使用。

3. 大家能够根据场景和词汇,明白不认识词汇表达的意思么?


流利的英语Fluency English英语启蒙教学视频全40集 目录:
Lesson 1 show me my first words
Lesson 2 basic vocabulary study
Lesson 3 greetings, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night
Lesson 4 more basic vocabularies
Lesson 5 7 summary
Lesson 5 introduce yourself and someone part 2
Lesson 5 introduce yourself and someone part 3
Lesson 5 introduce yourself and someone part 4
Lesson 6 Am I …
Lesson 6 intoduce someone part 2
Lesson 7 You are … part 1
Lesson 7 you are … part 2
Lesson 7 you are … part 3
Lesson 8 vocabulary
Lesson 9 This is a magical hat. Hocus pocus …Fun and funny
Lesson 10 part 2 Is this …
Lesson 11 This is that is …
Lesson 12 Singular plural vocabulary
Lesson 13 grandma what is this
Lesson 14 count, counting, this and these
Lesson 15 alligator & crocodile What are those…
Lesson 17 cute doggy where from how old
Lesson 18 Spelling How do you spell ABC the alphabet
Lesson 19 feelings, moods, emotions, happy, angry, sad …
Lesson 20 basic adjectives fun and funny hungry thirsty bored
Lesson 21 more adjectives heavy light deep shallow thick thin tall long skinny
Lesson 22 Continents, countries, languages, nationalities, cardinal directions
Lesson 23 45 words, pronouns, possessives, my, mine, your, yours, his, hers,
Lesson 24 our house, more pronouns, 40 + words, living room…
Lesson 25 in, on, inside, in front of, next to, on the other side, behind
Lesson 26 adverbs of position, above, below, nearby, inside, over, under, behind
Lesson Pictorial test 1 A great listening practice for KET PET TOEIC TOEFL IELTS
Video Test 1 question 2 (toy)
The Turkish butcher eggs new words Fun and Funny Please don’t try this at home.
Lesson 1 minute practice This is a …
Lesson 1 minute practice This is an …
Lesson 1 minute practice 3
Lesson cake recipe fastest way of learning English fun and funny learn ne
Lesson Introduce yourself and someone part 1
Lesson practice in 1 minute video 1 (a an)


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